Friday 8 April 2016

Panama leaks and global tax culture.

The panama leak took the world by storm. The main issue is the revelation about the tax evasion by known businessmen and politician around the globe. Among them there are sitting heads of the government and heads of the states as well. Some of them showed reactions such as resignation by the prime minster of Iceland, and the order of investigation into the allegation by the PM of Pakistan.
 The question, however, needs to be viewed form a broader angle. The very basic point is the tax evasion by the key businessmen through offshore companies. This is one of the lacunas in the global tax system. Most of the wealthy people of the developing countries take their capital to other countries to evade taxes and run their business with high margin. Panama leak is just one episode which exposed such practices, whereas there are a number of others which have not been discovered yet.
The situation needs to be tackled systematically and pragmatically rather than point scoring and creating media hypes. The leak reflects tax evasion which needs to be curbed. Instead of making fuss through media and accusing one's opponents it is better to take steps for the promotion of global tax culture. Such mechanism needs to evolve which will check such practices in future and does not let anyone go without paying due taxes.

Political issues of Pakistan.

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